This article first appeared at Show of Force, used by permission.
By now you have, no doubt, heard about the tragic shooting spree that occurred in Aurora, Colorado. If not, you can see a video of one of the original news report here...
CBS News
When I heard about the tragedy, one of my first thoughts was to wonder how this could have happened in Colorado, which is a fairly gun-friendly state, where many citizens carry firearms regularly. I was surprised that the shooter was able to kill and wound so many people without anyone in the theater returning fire and killing the gunman.
My question was answered when I learned about the policy of Cinemark Holdings Inc. who own the Century 16 theater where this tragedy took place. Although it is not stated on their website, the company prohibits legally carried firearms in their theaters, unless you are a law-enforcement officer.
Which means, of course, that any citizen in that theater who did legally own a firearm, was barred from attending the show with their weapon. Any citizen in that theater who might have engaged the threat, lacked the necessary tool to do so.
There have been complaints in the past to Cinemark about their weapons policy. You can search the web to find them, but here is an example shared at and another at
To any sensible person, this tragedy is yet another example about the ineffectiveness of gun-control policies. Those who institute such policies endanger the lives of free and law-abiding citizens of this country.
When Cinemark instituted a ban on firearms, they also took on a responsibility to effectively enforce that ban. They failed to do so, and now at least 14 people are dead as a result. Not to mention all of the wounded, injured, and psychologically traumatized patrons who will be effected by this horrific event for the rest of their lives.
I hope that Cinemark is sued into bankruptcy for their critical error. I also hope that other companies are put on notice by this, that our government eases restrictions on the Constitution, and that citizens stand up to demand that our right to bear arms not be infringed.
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