
Nicotine Improves Failing Memory, Study Shows

New study: nicotine dramatically improves and normalizes failing memory in elders

(NaturalNews) Tobacco is some kind of "devil weed," only good for making chemical-laden products like cigarettes, known to promote cancer. At least, that's the current take on this plant. But that's certainly not the whole truth about tobacco, which has been used historically by many cultures both in religious rituals and also as a natural therapy for various ailments from colds to tuberculosis.

In modern times, science has documented health benefits in tobacco's compounds. For example, a study performed at Stanford concluded that nicotine can boost the growth of new blood vessels and might lead to novel treatments for poor circulation in diabetics. In addition, Duke University scientists found that nicotine patches could help depression.

So why aren't these benefits derived from tobacco widely known? The reason, as Mike Adams covered in a previous
NaturalNews report (http://www.naturalnews.com/032795_tobacco_warning_labels.html) is simple: the FDA and mainstream medical doctors continue to equate the dangers of smoking chemically-laced "processed" cigarettes with anything that has to do with natural tobacco and the potentially health-building compounds it contains.

However, a new study just published in
Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, may hopefully change that attitude because it shows nicotine from tobacco seems to do what countless, expensive Big Pharma pills have failed at -- it improves mild memory loss in older

Social programming on cigarette packs not what you think

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