Using the phone is deadly while driving. Whether you are texting, or carrying on a conversation with a hand-free set, people need to stay off the phone when they are behind the wheel.
And that includes the police. Despite the fact that cops get away with it all the time, they are probably some of the most dangerous drivers on the road. In some states, there are laws which specifically exempt the police from distracted driving laws. This is the result...
Well, it may take a few years to work out the kinks yet. But a team in China is developing quantum teleportation for communications purposes, and have achieved actual teleportation of photons. Check it out...
Open-air quantum teleportation performed across a 97km lake
Sending signals through fiber optic cable is reliable and fast, but because of internal absorption and other effects, they will lose photons—which is a problem when the number of photons being sent is small. This is of particular concern in quantum networks, which typically involve a small number of entangled photons. Direct transmission through free space (vacuum or air) experiences less photon loss, but it's very difficult to align a distant receiver perfectly with the transmitter so that photons arrive at their destination.
A group in China has made significant progress toward solving that problem, via a high accuracy pointing and tracking system. Using this method, Juan Yin and colleagues performed quantum teleportation (copying of a quantum state) using multiple entangled photons through open air between two stations 97 kilometers apart across a lake. Additionally, they demonstrated entanglement between two receivers separated by 101.8km, transmitted by a station on an island roughly halfway between them.
The Progressive Insurance company has begun an aggressive advertising campaign aimed at getting you, the consumer, to willingly install a corporate digital surveillance device in your vehicle. The government has been trying to mandate these so-called "black-boxes" for some time now, and may soon get the legislation passed which will require manufacturers to install these devices on all cars, but this hasn't happened yet.
In the meantime, our favorite fascist mascot, Flo, is doing her best to convince the American public that these new devices are fun, hip, and will save you money. Her perky playfulness has now gone to full blown stalker overnight, like a terrible second date. Let's have a look...
Kinda feels like you are riding around with your Mom all over again, as a teenager with a permit. Or it feels like, you get in the car to go for a drive, and look over to see your crazy stalker girlfriend sitting there.
No, our rates can't go up? What a steaming load of BS that statement is. If they are using the data to "save" you money, they will certainly be punishing "bad" drivers with rate increases over time. Of course, they may not say they are increasing your rates for being a bad driver, they won't itemize a "bad driver fee" on your bill, but they don't have to. It will just be included in your new "standard" rate increase. After all, do you really know how they calculate your insurance rate to start with?
Did you know that your credit score effects your insurance rate? Your credit has nothing to do with how you drive, but that doesn't matter to them. If you ask them about it, they will say it's because your policy is underwritten by a finance company, even if you purchase the full policy upfront for cash on the barrel-head. . The reality of it is that they see someone who has had financial troubles as an irresponsible person who probably drives irresponsibly. A sort of "snapshot" taken from your credit rating. But let's get back to Flo here.
"Shapshot only cares about a few small things. Like how hard you brake, when you are on the road, the miles you drive..."
Granted, hard-braking can be a sign of aggressive driving. Then again, it can also be a sign that you live in a city or otherwise drive in dense traffic conditions, that you drive during rush-hour. But they are keeping track of that too, when you are on the road.
When I am on the road? What does that have to do with anything? There's no rush-hour out in the country, but they are keeping track of the actual times of day you start and stop your car. Creepy. This is data that could be used by police in a criminal investigation, or even as part of a divorce proceeding let's say. It's no longer a matter of your privacy that you chose to go out for a drive at 2 in the morning, for whatever reason.
The miles you drive. Well that doesn't seem so bad. The odometer records that, and you are supposed to tell them an estimate of how many miles you put on your car anyway. The tricky part here is that it is recording each and every trip. With that data, it would not be hard at all for even an amateur investigator to extrapolate exactly where you are driving to every night at 2 a.m. So when Flo tells us that Progressive "just doesn't care about that" it really doesn't matter what she says. Because the police, or your wife's divorce attorney might care about that. You can also bet that Flo will indeed care about that, if the police use that data to show you were coming home from the bar when they stopped you. Who knows in what other ways this data might be used and abused.
As if it weren't bad enough that this creepy girlfriend Flo is all up in your business in ways you never imagined, now you come to find out that she, is a he. Yeah buddy. Flo isn't just your friendly little period-reference mascot, she is actually Big Brother. Check out this creepy commercial.
"Plug" in to the Matrix, mindlessly accept your TSA pat down. You are nothing but an oblivious "fish" in this poker game pal. A bunch of "zombies" just standing there looking at the full display of Orwellian 1984-esque television banks of Flo, your new Big Brother.
So much creepy symbolism there, but really, the TSA pat-down is so blatant. We shift from the average Joe in his living-room to the average sheeple-citizen being molested at the airport. Of all the imagery they could have used there, why a TSA-pat down? Why not someone in a coffee shop? Why not a firefighter? No, we get a blatant "fuck you" from the powers-that-be.
Yesterday was a sad, sad day for America as the light of liberty has been snuffed out.
A jury has ruled in favor of the state, declaring it a felonious act for the press to record a public official without explicit consent. Despite the gravity of the ruling, corporate media overage is non-existent.
Ademo Mueller has been convicted of 3 felony counts of wiretapping, for daring to record comments made to him by public officials, regarding an assault of a high school student by a police detective. That violent attack was caught on a digital video recording by another student in the cafeteria at West High School in Manchester, New Hampshire. The students then brought the recording to the attention of Mueller, a journalist and founder of police-accountability organization CopBlock. The reporter then telephoned the police department and the high school, seeking comment on the matter, allowing them the opportunity to voice their side of the story and any concerns. Months after the story was broadcast, the reporter was charged with three felony counts of wiretapping for recording those telephone calls.
The student who recorded the actual event was never charged with any crime, however.
The police officer who attacked the student, was never charged with any crime.
You can get more details on the full story in my previous articles:
The state's prosecutor charged that Ademo Mueller was a violator of statute NH 570-A-2 in that the communication in question was 1) intercepted, 2) consent of all parties wasn’t gotten, and 3) that the action was done purposely.
That's it. That's all it takes to turn a news reporter into a felon. That's all it takes for the government to put a free person in chains. Never mind the fact that when you call the police department, your communication is recorded, without notice or consent, in clear violation of this law. Never mind the fact that Mueller stated who he was, the organization he represents, and that he was seeking a public comment. Never mind the fact that the school officials, the so-called "victims," never complained to police, but rather that a police officer was ordered to go to them to investigate by his own department. Never mind the fact that the people the journalist was communicating with were public servants, in a public space, operating in a public capacity and without any reasonable expectation of privacy.
We see clearly, that there are two different rules of law now in America. One rule for the public, and another rule for officials. Public servants who can now only be held accountable by their own consent. These people are supposed to be our employees, not our masters. The founding of this nation was entirely based on the rejection of this very tyranny which we now find ourselves living under. What freedom is this that we dare not question our own servants? What liberty is this wearing chains for speaking? What justice is this that is rendered by privilege over right?
Upon the conviction, the state's prosecutor recommended to the judge that Ademo Mueller be sentenced to serve one full year of incarceration at the local jail, with five years of supervision post-release to ensure "good behavior" which, if violated, would then incur three consecutive terms of 1-to-3 years.
The judge sentenced Mueller to one year in jail, with nine months suspended sentence, and three year period in which poor behavior might incur the full weight of a 1-to-3 year sentence.
Be sure to read the full article on the case from Ademo's website:
This article was submitted by a good friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous. He was inspired to put it together though, after reading our own article on the matter.
This seems to be a real-hot button issue lately, that myself and a few
friends have taken up as sort of our "pet" issue. Pet-peeve might be
more like it, seeing how people are actually swallowing this fascist
crap. Sadly, other friends of mine who I have a lot of respect for in
other ways, have fallen prey to the rhetoric, and actually believe that
this drug-testing thing is actually a good idea.
On July 1st of last year, Florida put it into effect for a number of
months before the courts stepped in and said it was un-Constitutional.
Despite the total failure of that program both fiscally and legally,
Georgia is now slated to implement their own drug testing program
exactly one year later to the day, on this July 1st.
Well, I have decided to throw down the gauntlet. I challenge anyone to
give me one good, logically sound reason to believe that this is a good
idea. Because up to this point all I see is fascism and bigotry as the
lowest common denominator in this sort of legislation.
To get things rolling, I have put together this piece, challenging some
of the more common reasons people give for supporting drug-testing of
welfare applicants and recipients.
It will save the taxpayers money.
FALSE. In Michigan and Florida it has already proved to cost taxpayers a lot more than it saved. These programs were an expansion
of social services, not "smaller government" and not an effective
cost-cutting measure at all. Other states that considered passing
similar laws, rejected the idea when their own studies found that it
would cost far more than it would ever save to implement a drug-testing
program of this nature.
In Florida, taxpayers are now left on the hook to reimburse payment for
the 97.4% of applicants who passed the drug screening. All of that money
is going directly into the pockets of the private drug-testing
companies. Companies like Solantic,
which was founded by welfare drug-testing champion Florida Governor
Rick Scott, and then handed over to his wife for safe keeping amid the
fervor of an obvious conflict of interest.
...2.6 percent of the state’s cash assistance applicants failed the
drug test, or 108 of 4,086, according to the figures from the state...
Florida law requires that applicants who pass the test be reimbursed for
the cost, an average of $30, the cost to the state was $118,140. This
is more than would have been paid out in benefits to the people who
failed the test... the testing cost the government an extra $45,780.
No one has even tried to crunch the numbers to find out the actual final
cost to taxpayer either. The test is only one component of a now hugely
expanded welfare bureaucracy which must digest the test results,
process the information, manage appeals, and battle the Constitutionality
of the program in courts. What will this cost the taxpayer in man-hours
for social workers and other state employees? What will the cost to
taxpayers be for something as simple as the new forms which must be
filled out? It doesn't seem unreasonable at all to guess the cost of the
program might actually be 3 or 4 times the cost of the actual test
Drug testing will stop druggies from applying for welfare.
FALSE. An internal document states unequivocally...
“We saw no dampening effect on the caseload”
This shows that there is no "hidden" cost benefit to the program. It
also shatters the myth that poor people use illicit drugs at a
significantly higher rate than the national average. Studies done on the
subject reject
that myth, and many show that people in poverty are actually less
likely to use illicit drugs. That conclusion is supported by the
Florida statistics too. If there was no sudden downturn in the number of
welfare applications when the drug-testing went into effect, then the
2.6% who did test positive is a fairly accurate assessment of detectable
drug use among welfare applicants at any given time, seeing that the
program provided no significant deterrent.
At least I won't be supporting an addict, even if it costs more.
FALSE. Once again.
Most drugs process out of a person's system within 24-72 hours, which is
plenty of time to prepare for a welfare drug test, whether applying for
the first time or re-certifying. So you will still be supporting the
most hardcore drug abusers out there regardless of costly drug testing
and bigger government. The same thing goes for alcohol, which is not
even illegal of course, yet which is the most dangerous and frequently
abused drug out there. You will still be supporting them too. Consider
as well, the explosion of prescription drugs in society. Even when taken
according to doctor's instructions, many people are dieing or becoming
So really we must consider the moral dilemma of not helping people in a battle with addiction
in the first place. How do we differentiate between the addict who got
their start on a school yard, and the addict who was assigned their
first fix by a doctor? Who is more in need of assistance than a
end-stage drug addict who is simply not capable of meeting their most
basic life needs? Someone with diabetes perhaps, or cancer? Those
diseases are often brought on by poor choices or bad habits too.
Smoking, tanning, over-eating, poor diet. Do we reject all of those
people from welfare too? There are many people who would shake their
head yes, but those are the same people who reject welfare in its
entirety, and are simply using the drug-testing issue as a cover for
their bigotry toward poor folk. That is their right of course, but
bigotry should never be a basis of law. So let's not follow the
red-herring here and get back to the real issue.
Whether or not one thinks they should be supporting an
addict, this law is not going to do anything to change it, and you will
still be laying out money for a program that does not achieve your
objective. There will still be people doing drugs and collecting public
assistance funds, regardless of a costly drug-testing program.
And the few that do get caught? Pot-heads mostly. According to the state
agency the majority of rejected applicants tested positive for
marijuana. Hardly the die-hard smack fiend that might fit the common
stereotype. Can weed be addictive? To a degree, sure, but not so much as
harder drugs, or even nicotine or alcohol. And as we have already
established, true addiction is a disease anyway, which should be treated
as such, not discriminated against. Since marijuana is the only thing
that is really turning up in these drug tests, what are people really saying, when they support a law for drug testing of the poor?
I don't want people on welfare spending my money on drugs, testing will put a stop to that.
FALSE. You guessed it.
It only means that the tiny fraction of the people on welfare who do use
drugs, will turn to harder more dangerous drugs which are not so easily
detected, or simply become drunks instead of pot-heads. Which would you
rather see wandering the streets looking for a job, a mellowed-out
stoner, or a vicious unstable drunk?
Granted, people should not be spending public assistance funds on any
sort of vice, but then again, we are talking about human beings here
too, who actually require some form of recreation to keep from going
insane, literally. Not everyone has a fitness center or a social hall in
their neighborhood, and we all have our vices. One could just as easily
say that people on welfare don't deserve to watch television, don't
deserve to eat anything but gruel, should never wear anything but
tattered rags, should sit in a tiny room staring at the walls all night
after walking the streets for 12 hours a day looking for a job that
isn't there. Is it really so offensive that someone like a homeless
veteran smoked a joint in a park once or twice this past month with some
hippy who walks her dog there? Is that such a high crime that we will
deny him food and shelter for the next year, perhaps to die in the
streets in the meantime?
The truth is that we all need some way to unwind and enjoy ourselves for
a bit. That need is probably even more acute for those living in
poverty, not less. Depression, loneliness, lack of resources, lack of
recreation, these are things that often lead to drug abuse in the first
place. Relaxing with a doob or socializing with a few friends around a
case of beer may be the very last things that a person living in poverty
has to hold on to in order to retain their humanity, even any
attachment to society. Maybe smoking a doob with the neighbor will get
someone into a construction job. Maybe having a beer at the pub will
lead to a job at the grill. Who are we to really judge?
Especially when you consider that, for the most part, people are not
actually spending welfare money on any drugs at all. Welfare does not
provide enough to live on in the first place, much less to support a
drug habit. Which sadly enough, is often another big reason why poor
folk turn to drugs in the first place. The allure of quick cash in the
black market to make up the short-ends when it comes to putting food on
the table and keeping the lights turned on. So then it is not welfare
money that is paying for drugs, but black market dollars instead. The
welfare money is still going to the basic necessities of life, not
drugs. Now one might argue that the drug money should be going to
keeping the lights on instead of the welfare money, but then you would
be making the case for legalizing drugs so that it could be declared and
taxed as income. So if you argue to legalize drugs while demanding
drug-testing, doesn't that make you a bit of a hypocrite?
Finally, to wrap up this section, it must be admitted that some people
will wind up spending public funds on drugs (or alcohol, or tobacco, or
chocolate, or caffeine) but drug testing is not going to stop that. It's
also not even something we should be so concerned about that we are
willing to shred up the Constitution and shoot ourselves in the foot
with the costs. Will people use welfare money for drugs? Sure. No system
is perfect. But what percentage of people on welfare are actually
spending public cash on drugs? Not the occasional pot-smoker, not the
pot dealer who gets high on his own supply. So out of the 2.6% of people
on welfare who are doing drugs, there is still only a tiny fraction of
that number, who are probably so far gone into their drug habit that
they will be dead within a few years anyway. Better off to just let them
have the damn few hundred bucks rather than dealing with them breaking
into your house.
If you are really concerned about where your tax dollars are going, you
would be much better off to demand answers about where these $2.3 TRILLION in tax dollars vanished to, or why a cop who sniffs coke off the dashboard of his squad car still gets his pension, or why you are funding all of these crimes, or why you are supporting a failed war on drugs.
It's for the children! Drug testing will protect them.
FALSE. No it won't. No more than cops protect kids by shooting the
family dog in front of a 7-year old. Whenever fascists come calling,
they tell you for it's for your protection, whenever they really want to
shove something down your throat they tell you it's for the children.
Drug testing of welfare recipients will put children directly
in harm's way. Specifically, when the parent is denied assistance, the
children will have to go without food, shelter, and basic immediate
needs. There is no child advocate standing there to take custody of a
child the moment a welfare applicant tests positive for drugs. Which
means that the child will indeed be forced to endure starvation and
neglect as a direct result of this policy, while they disappear onto the
streets. Now some may argue that it is the result of the parent's
irresponsible drug use, not the policy, but that argument is logically
flawed. First, because of the high risk of false-positives,
it is quite possible that the parent did not in fact use drugs, but
still turned up positive on a test. Secondly, it is the policy which is
denying direct aid that would be allotted for this child, not the
parent. The child's hunger will not be fixed by placing blame on the
parent. Blaming the parent in this case is like blaming the waiter for
burning your food. Sure, maybe they should have seen that it was burnt
when they brought it out, but they were not the one who burned it.
Some might argue that a child should be taken away immediately if a
parent tests positive for drugs, but that is a very dangerous precedent
to set. First, as we already pointed out with false-positives, the state
would be taking away children from parents who were not in fact drug
users, but who had perhaps used some nasal spray before the test, or
drank a Mountain Dew. Secondly, it would set a precedent that would not
be limited to just folks on welfare. This would mean that any
parent who ever tested positive for drugs, perhaps as part of a job
interview, would be subject to the state stepping in and taking their
children. Any arrest for simple possession, a DUI, those too would be
grounds for a children's removal from the home, even if it turned out
the parent was not even proved guilty in a court of law. A tool for the
state to come in and take children away based on a simple accusation
against parents who have in fact done nothing wrong.
Even if it turns out a parent actually is one of those dreaded
pot-smokers, would a child really be better off tossed into a state
facility or a foster home, where children are often beaten, raped and murdered?
Except under the most dire circumstances, a child is better off with a
parent, and the courts agree. In a controversial case, the State of NY overturned a ruling
which barred a level-3 sex offender from seeing his children, and even
opened the door so that he could sue social services for barring him
access to start with. (His conviction had nothing to do with any crime
against his children.)
...under New York's Family Court Act, they
cited two findings that required them to determine neglect. The first is
"proof of actual (or imminent danger of) physical, emotional, or mental
impairment to the child." Second is the danger "must be a consequence
of the parent's failure to exercise a minimum degree of parental care." The court noted the statutory test is not best or ideal care for children, but a minimum degree.
So we see here that it is the drug-testing law which creates the
neglect, by denying essential emergency services to benefit the child,
based on no actual violation of the law. Having a pot-smoking mother may
not be the ideal situation for a child, but it certainly
is not proof of any imminent danger. Remember, it is illegal to have
drugs on you, illegal to distribute them, but there is nothing
specifically illegal about having drugs in your system. Even if it were
illegal, then the welfare applicant must be tried and convicted in a
court of law, by a jury of their peers, before they could be seen as
responsible for anything having to do with drugs in their system. In the
meantime, it would still be the state themselves which were creating
the neglectful condition, not the parent. There are plenty of parents
out there who can smoke a joint on the weekend when the kids are away,
without endangering or neglecting the children in any way. Just as there
are parents who are responsible drinkers, without impeding on the
safety of their children. It is the government's refusal to assist those
in poverty which impedes on the safety of the children, no matter what
the government's excuse might be.
Would a hospital refuse to treat a child for injuries or some other
emergency health condition, simply because the parent refused or failed a
drug test? Certainly not. Hospitals can't even refuse treatment based
on someone's ability to pay for the services. Would an ambulance driver
refuse to take a child to the hospital after a car wreck, when it looked
like the parent was driving drunk? Would an ambulance even refuse to
render aid to the drunk parent themselves? Certainly not, because if
they did it would be a dereliction of their duty to render emergency
aid. And emergency aid is exactly what welfare is. Granted, it may seem
like some of these emergencies go on forever, but don't blame the
victims of a terminally flawed economic system for that. Which of course bring us to...
If we make them get drug tests, it will force them to get off their ass and get a job.
FALSE. For one simple reason. There are no jobs.
For every job opening in America, there are 4 people actively trying to
fill that position. Those numbers don't include people who can only find
part-time minimum-wage work, and must therefore turn to public
assistance funds to feed their family. Those numbers don't include those
who have run the length of their Unemployment Insurance benefit without
ever managing to find a job. Those numbers don't include those who
finally gave up, virtually hopeless, exasperated beyond the point that
the working stiff would ever care to imagine. You might be pissed off
about your job, how hard you work, all the taxes you have to pay. Try
not having a job for a while. You will envy those who have an April 15th
deadline. But in the meantime, we are going to take away from you the
Constitution, your liberty, and oh, by the way, your last shred of
dignity as well....
Yup, that's right, that schmuck has a job, and you don't. Your journey
to the darkside is now complete. You are now a slave, in every sense of
the word, and it's all your fault.
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