
Assange calls for criminal charges against ‘shock jock’ Fox hosts

WikiLeaks founder calls Bradley Manning 'political prisoner'; says Fox hosts, politicians committing 'terrorism'


"What sort of message does that send about the rule of law in the United States? That is conducing violence in order to achieve a political end. The elimination of this organization or the threat of violence to achieve a political end, the elimination of a publisher. And that is the definition of terrorism."

He's absolutely right. If you publicly called for the murder of anyone, they would lock you up. Even if you threatened someone on some backwater internet forum you could very quicly find yourself in some very big trouble. Now if you, a private citizen, called for the murder of the head of a main-stream corporate media news outlet, you can bet your dividends that you would be charged and sued. And god forbid you call for the assassination of a senator, or former Presidential running mate. You can bet your pocket copy of the Constitution that you wouldn't see the light of day for a very long time.

Sniff the hypocrisy, full article here:


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